@article{morari:toc12, author = {A. Morari and C. Boneti and F. Cazorla and R. Gioiosa and C. Cher and A. Buyuktosunoglu and P. Bose and M. Valero}, title = {{SMT} Malleability in {IBM POWER5} and {POWER6} Processors.}, journal = {IEEE Transaction on Computers}, year = {2012}, month = {To appear}, vol = {X}, issue = {X} }
@article{luque:toc12, author = {C. Luque and M. Moreto and F. J. Cazorla and R. Gioiosa and A. Buyuktosunoglu and M. Valero}, title = {{CPU} Accounting for Multicore Processors. }, journal = {IEEE Transaction on Computers}, year = {2012}, month = {February}, vol = {61}, issue = {2} }
@article{jimenez:cas11, author = {V. Jimenez and F. Cazorla and R. Gioiosa and M. Valero and C. Boneti and E. Kursun and C. Cher and C. Isci and A. Buyuktosunoglu and P. Bose}, title = {Characterizing Power and Temperature Behavior of {POWER6}-Based System. (invited paper)}, journal = {IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems}, year = {2011}, month = {September}, vol = {1}, issue = {3} }
@article{jimenez:micro11, author = {V. Jimenez and F. Cazorla and R. Gioiosa and E. Kursun and C. Isci and C. A. Buyuktosunoglu and P. Bose and M. Valero}, title = {A Case for Energy-Aware Accounting and Billing in Large-Scale Computing Facilities Cost Metrics and Design Implications. }, journal = {IEEE Micro}, year = {2011}, month = {May/June}, vol = {XX}, issue = {99} }
@article{luque:cal09, author = {C. Luque and M. Moreto and F.J. Cazorla and R. Gioiosa and A. Buyuktosunoglu and M. Valero}, title = {{CPU} Accounting in {CMP} Processors}, journal = {Computer Architecture Letters}, year = {2009} }
@article{betti:es07, author = {E. Betti and D.P. Bovet and M. Cesati and R. Gioiosa}, title = {{Hard real-time performances in multiprocessor embedded systems using {ASMP-Linux}}}, journal = {Operating System Support for Embedded Real-Time Applications special issue on Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems}, year = 2007, month = {October} }
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